Monday, June 14, 2010

EconNews Roundup

I have never understood how sensible and efficient it is in today's globalized society, with horizontal and vertical linkages between firms, to boycott a country's goods, but maybe the boycotters know better:)

Your friendly neighborhood economist's weekly column... As usual, for some extra comments and explanations, see the blog version.

Speaking of the column, my colleague Xi from the Daily News has put together our interview with Martin Wolf.
Turkish seasonal workers' pain: The article has an ethnic (Roman, Kurdish), regional (Southeastern Turkey) and sectoral (agriculture) bias, but seasonal workers suffer in any sector. For example, seasonal workers would make less than their full-time counterparts in tourism as well. But part of the difference is due to skill differential, so measuring the actual discrimination, as one of the comments to the article is suggesting, is rather difficult.

One million Arab tourists to visit Turkey: This is less than Turkey's expected tourist arrivals for the year, but the change in the composition of incoming tourists during and in the aftermath of the global crisis is a topic in itself, which I hope to cover in my weekly Hurriyet column in two weeks.

Number of millionaires on the rise: This reminds me one of my biggest mess-ups in my life as a bank economist, where I claimed for a long time that such data did not exist:) That story could be a topic for my memoirs, which I have been neglecting for a while.

Turkey's efforts to reach Millennium Development Goals.

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