Sunday, April 10, 2011

Writing Schedule for the next few weeks

Since I am done with this week's column, I can start thinking about next week's, or even the next few weeks.

I have long been thinking about doing a sort of election guide in terms of Economics. What I mean is: I would like to evaluate AKP's policies in the last decade, or at least after the 2007 general elections, as well as summarize my thoughts on the main opposition CHP's economics agenda. I guess the insults of last time were not enough so that I am looking to get some more:)...

If nothing urgent comes up, I would like to start with the AKP next week, in an aptly-titled column, The Economic Consequences of Mr. Erdogan, paying homage to the great master in the process. I could then do my take on CHP's economics policies the following week, but I just learned that Koc University's ERF is organizing two IMF presentations in Istanbul, one on capital flows and the other on reserve adequacy. The Fund has been undertaking some work on these issues, which have been summarized by recent IMF survey articles, so I guess that's what the presentations will be about. Anyway, I could postpone the CHP article for a couple of weeks to cover the IMF stuff.

But this is just the tentative plan, so any suggestions / recommendations would be very welcome...


Anonymous said...

Any further info on those ERF events? Can't find such presentations in upcoming events on their page. Thanks!

Emre Deliveli said...

The schedule hasn't been finalized yet; it will be in the next couple of days... I will post it here when it is...