Monday, April 4, 2011

a sad situation

I am watching over a patient, so I have to pull an all-nighter, something which I haven't done for 15 years. Since the room is dark, I can't read the FT, Radikal or The Economist (or O'Neiil's Netherland), so I was thinking this would be a great time to work on the blog. There were several posts I have been planning for a long time, such as The End of Days with DIBS (Turkish government bonds), comparing oil and gold prices, adding a few things on the impact of the RRR hikes (as a follow-up to last week's Hurriyet / Roubini ) column, but when I tried to enter the blog, I met with the familiar "access to this site has been blocked by court order" sign.

Now this is weird because thanks to my brother, I had figured out two different ways to bypass the ban. The first method, which simply involved changing the DNS settings, did not work out after a few days, so I implemented a much more elaborate method. But as of tonight, that seems to be kaput as well, so I have no way of accessing my own blog other than by emailing to the bog directly, as I am doing now. All this is sad and absurd, as Elton John put it:

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd

Speaking of courts, I learned today at the hospital that all the IP addresses (and the pages they are visiting) have to be logged. That's why I had to log in to the hospital's network with the patient's room and ID number. You probably haven't heard about this because as the law is not actively enforced, no one seems to implement it. That would change if the authorities decided to throw fines all around...Forgive me, but this country is turning more and more into Chinese Democracy (thanks Axl, for not only this title, but also for the great albums of my high school days) by the day. I am sorry for all the Blogger uses, but I am just counting down the days: Not only for the release of the Bberry Playbook but also the migration of my blog to Nouriel Roubini's new blog aggregation site (I will have the full details on that in a couple of weeks).

As for my blogging problems: My brother is a computer genius, so I am sure he will figure this one out. If not, I'll continue emailing to my blog like this.... BTW, this is the first time I am embedding hyperlinks to an email to the blog, so I have no idea if it will work or not. Apologies if it gets messed up; I just won't try it again:)....

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