Wednesday, December 30, 2009

EconNews Roundup

Extensive interview with Isbank CEO Ersin Ozince. Note that a simple financial programming exercise reveals that with the tight liquidity I project for 2010, the 15% target is quite challenging, although I am only speaking for the overall sector; I wouldn't know if Ozince plans to pull rabbits out of his had; after all, as I had discussed before, state banks have responded quite differently from private banks on the credit front this year. Also interesting are comments that banks make money when interest rates are moving down but not when they are stable or on upwards trends. As I was arguing a couple of days ago, my retail banker friend is quite happy with my interest rate projection for next year. Anyway, as I mentioned on Monday, I'll come back to this in a couple of weeks.

In a similar fashion, TSKB hopeful for Turkey as well.

Turkish economists continue their interest in the Familiar Mediterranean Disease...

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